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Bus timetables

Transport during the Brno Museum Night will be in the form of shuttle buses on lines A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H provided by the Brno Public Transport Authority. Low-floor buses (marked in the timetable with the symbol Vozickar) are provided for selected routes. Only valid on Saturday 19th May 2012.

Passengers on all shuttle buses will be transported free of charge. Entry to the museums is for a symbolic admission fee of 20 CZK.

On boarding shuttle buses on the C and H lines at the Česká bus stop you will have to show your free-of-charge ticket/place reservation due to the limited capacity of the museums they serve. The tickets can be collected from 15th May at the Information Bureau of the DPMB, a.s., Novobranská 18 until the available capacity has been allocated. There will be no extra transportation on those lines!

DOWNLOAD – BUS TIMETABLES:  bus timetables (.pdf), timetables (.xls)

Jízdní řád A - english
Jízdní řád BCD - english
Jízdní řád EF - english
Jízdní řád GH - english

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Page | by Dr. Radut